How to create a professional email signature for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
A step-by-step guide
Looking to create a professional, personalised Microsoft 365 email signature? Our simple Rocketseed expert step-by-step guide will show you how.
Before you start, we recommend preparing your new email signature design in HTML, so you have the code ready to copy and paste during the set up.
For the best email signature, don’t forget to feature your name, job title, contact details, as well as links and images – such as your company logo and social media icons.
Looking for design inspiration? Check out Rocketseed recommendations for the best email signatures, along with some great examples.

How to create an email signature for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
1. Sign in to your Microsoft 365 account.

2. Click on the menu icon at the top-left corner, and navigate to Admin. The Admin Center will appear.

3. In the left hand Admin Center menu, click on Exchange.

4. You are now in the Admin Exchange Center. On the left hand side menu, click on Mail flow.

5. From the Mail flow screen, click on rules from the menu options along the top.

6. Click the + button, select Create new rule from the drop down menu.

7. A new window will appear. Enter a name for your new Microsoft 365 signature template.
Note: You are naming your new Microsoft 365 signature template for easy future reference. This name WILL NOT appear in your new email signature itself.

8. Click More options to see the full list of settings, including rules when to apply your Microsoft 365 email signature.

9. To specify when you would like your new Microsoft 365 email signature applied, click the arrow below *apply this rule if… A drop down menu will appear. Navigate to the sender and select in external/internal.
Note: There are multiple options available at this stage. For example – if you select is a member of this group, this will allow your a team (e.g. Sales) to have this signature template applied.

A pop up box will appear for the sender location to be identified. Select Inside sender organisation from the drop down and click OK.
10. Click the arrow below *Do the following, select apply a disclaimer to the message then append a disclaimer.

11. To the right hand side of the box, click enter text. A box will appear for you to specify disclaimer text.
Within this space, you have the opportunity to paste HTML code for your new email signature.
Tip: Customise your signature details’ font style, size and colour to match (as closely as possible) your brand requirements, include hyperlinks to your website, or social media icons and remember to include your company logo. Alternatively you can specify a plain text version if preferred.

Happy with your new Microsoft 365 signature? Click OK.
12. In the event your email signature cannot be applied to an email, you have 3 options to apply a fallback action.
Below the HTML code of your new signature now appearing on the right hand side, a line of copy will read and fall back to action *Select one… if the disclaimer can’t be inserted. Click Select one…
A pop up box will appear to specify fallback action.

You have 3 options:
Wrap – this causes the message to be enclosed in a new email envelope. The signature is then added to the new message.
Ignore – send the email without the signature. (Recommended)
Reject – don’t send the email. The sender would receive an NDR saying that the message couldn’t be delivered.
13. Click Save.
Get more from your Microsoft 365 email signatures with Rocketseed
Want to create more advanced professional signatures that are consistently on-brand, completely compliant and centrally controllable across your business? Rocketseed Office 365 Signature Management has the solution – it’s why it’s ‘Loved by Marketing. Trusted by IT.’ for companies across the globe.
To see how Rocketseed can help your business Book a demo.