Success Stories from Our Email Signature Customers

Find out how customers harness the power of everyday business email as a marketing
channel, increasing ROI, generating leads and being on brand.

Aurelia Gloves (Supermax) Logo

Supermax: Achieves 29% Banner Engagement with Bold Nitrile Glove Banner

Posted on May 3, 2024 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
Discover how Supermax Healthcare achieved consistent, compliant company email signatures and a 29% banner engagement rate for its Aurelia nitrile gloves range.
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CloudMojo Logo

CloudMojo: Delivering Signature Success Through Partnership

Posted on April 22, 2024 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
See how Rocketseed reseller CloudMojo delivers email signature success for its customers and drives sales growth through the partner benefits Rocketseed offers.
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M7 logo

M7 Group: Professional Email Signatures and Promotional Banner Campaigns for Dealership Network

Posted on March 20, 2024 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
See how M7, use Rocketseed to effectively manage email signatures across its dealership networks while enhancing engagement with email marketing campaigns.
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empyrion logo

Empyrion Technologies: Empowering Customers as a Rocketseed Reseller

Posted on November 2, 2023 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
As a Rocketseed reseller, see how Empyrion seamlessly integrated their services with Rocketseed's Email Signature Manager for Microsoft 365.
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Brooklands Hotel Surry.

Racing ahead: Brooklands hotel accelerates its email signature marketing with 12.7% email banner engagement.

Posted on September 6, 2023 By jenny.bassett In  
Rich in motor racing heritage, the luxury Brooklands Hotel chose Rocketseed to help it achieve consistently branded staff email signatures and drive extra guest engagement through email banner campaigns.
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dx5 logo

dx5 Achieved a 30% Conversion Rate with Event Email Signature Marketing

Posted on August 16, 2023 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
Learn how dx5 used Rocketseed to run an email signature marketing campaign to promote its dx100 Awards event, achieving a 30% conversion rate.
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Compu-Mail Logo with the slogan: When secure mail matters

Compu-Mail: Centralizing Signature Management for Brand Consistency and Compliance

Posted on June 21, 2023 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
Learn why direct mail specialists Compu-Mail chose Rocketseed to deliver centralized management, consistent branding, compliance and security for their company email signatures.
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The Investment Association Logo

The Investment Association: Promoting Pride on Every Email

Posted on May 15, 2023 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
Discover how the UK's investment management trade body promotes LGBTQ+ inclusivity using its company email signatures.
Read More logo showcase customer service with every email signature

Posted on October 21, 2022 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
Using Rocketseed, showcase their customer service and encourage reviews with 1-click email signature marketing. See how.
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Briggs Freeman Logo

Briggs Freeman save 100’s of email signature management hours

Posted on September 23, 2022 By Leonie vanaswegen In  
Using Rocketseed, Briggs Freeman reduced the time spent on updating email signatures from 100's of hours to less than 10 a year. See how.
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