There’s more to creating a professional email signature than you might at first think , especially with such a lot riding on just a few simple words. So if you’re struggling to create the perfect signature for yourself or your business, why not check out the below professional best email signature examples for a bit of inspiration?
Discover what to put in a signature, how to make it look professional, and why having one is so important for your business.
1. Be on brand
As well as featuring your brand logo, it’s essential that all elements of your signature – from font colours to taglines – are compliant with your business’s brand guidelines and are used consistently across your company.
Here’s an example of an on-brand colour palette in a signature:

2. Keep it simple
When it comes to making a professional signature, less is more. Try to limit yourself to just three or four lines of text that include all the most relevant information.
Here is an example of a simple professional layout:

3. Show that you’re social
If your company is active on social media, your signature should include links to your social media profiles. You may also want to add a link to your own personal LinkedIn page.

4. Share a blog post
If you are keen to showcase yourself as an expert in your field, why not add a link to one of your high-performing blog posts?
Example below:

5. Include a call to action
A call to action is essential if your signature is going to drive direct engagement. A compelling, clickable call to action can get recipients signing up for your newsletter, securing a place at an event or downloading an e-book.
For example:

6. Choose a web safe font
When it comes to choosing a professional font for an email signature, you need to pick one of the “web safe fonts” that are supported by all browsers and will always display correctly.
These are as follows:

7. Include an image
People remember visuals better than they do text, so adding an image is always a good idea. However, you can’t just add any old picture. The best way to ensure your email signature stands out from the crowd is to add a picture of yourself.

8. Double-check your spelling
As you would expect, incorrect spellings and grammar are big no-no’s when writing your professional email signatures. If you want to be seen as credible, you need to double-check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
9. Hire a professional
If you are responsible for creating hundreds of email signatures for your employees, and you are concerned that the end result may not be as consistently on-brand across your company as you would like, why not enlist the services of a professional management company?
Whether you are managing G Suite email signatures or require a Microsoft 365 email signature manager, a professional design and management service can maximise your signatures’ impact and engagement.
Check out our best company email signatures, with each one offering maximum engagement and optimum memorability.

10. Include booking links
Arranging meetings via email can often feel like a waste of your valuable time. Avoid this by including a link to book your calendar right in your signature.
Here is an example :

11. Add any legal and compliance requirements
Depending on the industry you work in, you may have specific guidelines about email usage and how you are protecting the private information that is being shared. If this is the case with your company, you may want to add an email disclaimer similar to the below:
[Company Name] registered at [Registered Address], [Company Number]. This email, sent from [Sender Email Address] to [Recipient Email Address], is confidential and may contain privileged or copyright information. If you are not [Recipient Email Address] please delete this email and you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. This email is not a binding agreement and does not conclude an agreement without the express confirmation by the sender’s superior or a director of the Company. The Company does not consent to its employees sending non-solicited emails which contravene the law.
12. Make sure it’s mobile-friendly
It’s absolutely essential that your email signature displays perfectly on all mobile devices. Always ensure that you use email signature software that is mobile-optimised – like Rocketseed is – so your branded signature design displays perfectly on desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile, as shown below:

If you need further help writing a professional or personal email signature please do not hesitate to get in touch with our highly experienced and knowledgeable email signatures management team.
For businesses striving to maintain a professional image, consistent and well-managed email signatures are crucial. Explore why big businesses need more than just an email signature generator and why Rocketseed’s solution is the preferred choice.