CAMPAIGN achieves engagement from ‘Send’ to ‘Sale’
As corporations become more and more aware of the importance of email signatures and email disclaimers, so they’re now also realising the huge opportunity their everyday email presents as a marketing channel that delivers real engagement and ROI.
Because that’s what our clients tell us they need…real engagement; high-quality lead gen; sales conversion; without stretching their or stressing them out.
That’s why we’ve developed Rocketseed CAMPAIGN.
What is CAMPAIGN and how did it evolve?
The name really says it all – Rocketseed CAMPAIGN offers the most engaging way to run a complete marketing campaign through everyday business email, from ‘SEND’ to ‘SALE’.
But it hasn’t just ‘happened’, it represents a long evolutionary process of our ‘email branding’ that goes back to 2004 when the CAN-SPAM act was coming in, Mark Zuckerberg and pals were busy coding Facebook, MailChimp was 3 years old, and the final episode of Friends hit our screens. Even then, Rocketseed – ahead of its time – had introduced campaignable branding elements into email signatures but, back then, running an intelligent and dynamic marketing campaign through normal business email delivering exceptional engagement was a concept that your average CMO, CTO or sales team simply weren’t able to grasp.
In their defence, that was RocketSeed v1 – our GUI was tricky, there was some coding required, campaign programming, rotational time slots needed to be allocated, planning was required and a multitude of banners needed to be driven…a lot for someone to take on! So we pivoted and customers primarily focused on running banners without utilising our core strength which was tracker tags, integrations and sender and recipient rules all focused on driving results for our customers.

What do we do differently now? And what does it mean for you?
If we didn’t ‘get it’ then, we certainly do now! We realised that we were overwhelming customers with options…goes with the old advertising adage ‘throw you one ball and you’ll catch it, throw you five and you won’t’. So, we simplified things, researched our customers and changed our offering.
As a result we now have 4 simple options for customers that do exactly what they say on the tin. Signature Basic and Signature Plus deliver for the business that’s looking to create stunningly designed and intelligently dynamic email signatures for their staff that they can centrally control and easily apply for Outlook, Office 365 or Gsuite.
Launching ‘Campaign’
And now we’re extremely excited to launch our new flagship products –
CAMPAIGN BASIC and CAMPAIGN PLUS. These also include the signature component but are totally focused on driving real results for your business. In fact, we’re so confident about them that if after 3 months you aren’t satisfied we’ll give you your money back!*
CAMPAIGN ‘BASIC’ and CAMPAIGN ‘PLUS’ – What’s the difference?
Given the deeper integration between marketing and IT (they still argue but kiss and make up much quicker),
CAMPAIGN BASIC focuses on allowing those two departments to create campaigns and run them through their everyday email (fully exploiting its 99% open rate) thereby creating a basic integrated marketing channel, precision targeted to up-sell and cross-sell.
CAMPAIGN PLUS is effectively the ‘sales supercharger’ for your everyday email – powered by Rocketseed. You will have seen the links through this piece to different areas of the website highlighting what we do but this is the crème de le crème when it comes to squeezing all you can out of your business email.
And the best part? We do it all for you.
In many ways, it’s the CAMPAIGN service that makes it so special. Simply give us your brief and we take care of everything – from set-up, creative design and campaign planning to marketing automation integration and results reporting.
So Rocketseed will set up and run complete campaigns for me?
Our creatives ensure that every email your business sends is literally ‘designed to do business’, and CAMPAIGN clients are also assigned a dedicated account manager to ensure their campaign stays on track, and they’re always on-hand – think of them as an extension to your marketing team (if you’re lucky enough to have one) purely focused on achieving results from your email.
We’ll automatically build a subscriber list for you, will apply tracker tagging (meaning content gets automatically served based on a customer’s engagement patterns – think ‘machine learning’ but based on a database application) and we’ll run targeted campaigns on your behalf based on recipient and sender domains, and integrate with your marketing automation (such as Salesforce), responsively guiding recipients through their customer journey.
Sounds deep? It is.
When it comes to results, CAMPAIGN measures all key email marketing metrics, from click-through to conversion – all precisely attributed – reports them regularly and sends real-time alerts to your sales team.
A complete campaign – designed to do business
Rocketseed CAMPAIGN really does give you a complete marketing campaign – engaging through everyday email from ‘Send’ to ‘Sale’.
Now it’s time for you to give it a try!